Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Stupidity on Massive Levels

I hate writing up students for stupid behavior because they exhibit it all the time. I'd be wasting my time if I wrote up every little thing that went wrong in a given day. Today however, I wrote 4 pink slips, which are discipline referral sheets. They don't take long but can become tedious because you have to write descriptions about the incidents and so on. 4 is probably a record for me since I usually go weeks without writing up students. Lately as part of the discipline committee we've been working with students to development conflict resolving techniques. Students assigned Saturday schools for their misbehavior have the chance to go to teachers who have wrote them up and work at a solution they both agree upon. Once the solution is figured teachers can forgive the Saturday school and students no longer have to serve it. I've only resolved one and my deal with the student was that if they act out again I talk to the assistant principal and the student has a 3 day suspension. I liked that deal. However, since then because our students feel entitled to their behavior and constantly feel we teachers are in the wrong I've decided to no longer resolve anything. Saturday school can be fun...... I hope.

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