Monday, November 24, 2008


last wednesday a student that my fellow friend and teacher catie and I have been dealing with literally went of the handle and freaked out on a teacher. i am fortunate enough to have my classroom positioned right next to the cafeteria and also one of the assistant principal's offices. so when something happens in the cafeteria, where majority of things take place, i can look out my windows and watch the action. then when they're taken into the principal's office next door i can literally hear every word of everyone's side and what their punishment is or lack there of.

so once i saw who the student was, i wasn't totally surprised that after she got in the assistant principals face, was taken to his office to "calm down" 20min. later during passing period she threw a student into one of the vending machines in the cafe. normally i'm somewhat sympathic to students who do get picked on, but in this case the student freaking out ususally brings something upon herself.

since wednesdays are early out days followed by faculty meetings i wasn't shocked to find us talking about the incident, but blown away to find out that the 3 day suspension she was given by an assistant principal for fighting was TAKEN BACK by the principal herself because........ the kid had an IEP that we don't even have documentation for. Now i understand the importance of following IEPs and how behavior IEPs work, but to me a student fighting is a student fighting. 3 days out should be appropriate regardless of their behavioral or learning disabilities. but what do i know. i'm just a teacher.

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